The John Batchelor Show

VIDEO: Corker-Menendez Bill

April 15, 2015

Tuesday   14 April 2015  / Hour 1, Block C: Victor Davis Hanson, Hoover, in re: the 19-0 Corer-Menendez bill on Senate oversight on the Iran deal.  Tweet:  The simple fact is, WH dropped its veto threat because they wouldn’t have the votes to [sustain]. –Even before the deal was announced, Iranians were clear that they contradicted everything Obama and Kerry insisted would be in the deal; unravelling, embarrassing to Obama and the Senate is rescuing him for "putting [his] head in this meat-grinder." LK:Vote one is a process issue; the second vote – Dems may go back around.    VDH:  Iran is saying to Houthis and others, "The fact that the WH is talking to us is de facto approval of our deeds."  . . .  Moscow, Putin; plans for aggrandizement.  "Pres Obama cannot distinguish between friends and enemies"  Gen Jack Keene has been saying that from Day One Pres Obama had a vision whereby he'd reach détente with Iran, and therewith allow the US to engage. He keeps thinking that he can get on the phone and sort anything out.  He has a soft spot for revolutionary nations – Cuba, Venezuela, and others – and that only he can clearly see the moral rectitude here, but when things [start to go south,] he won’t be around.