The John Batchelor Show

VIDEO: Great Society Failure

May 05, 2015

Monday  4 May 2015  / Hour 1, Block C: Rich Lowry, National Review, in re: Baltimore, a Great Society FailureThe war on poverty in the liberal mind has never truly been fought, still needs a great deal more funding.  So far, it's alleviated some want to some extent but has not lifted people out of poverty. Social collapse of the family; rotten schools run for the interest of some adults who happen to be members of particular union.  You cannot empower people by making them dependent.   Baltimore, e.g., is a massive failure.  Welfare best applied to persons who must do something: learn a skill, prepare for a job.  Head Start not tested to have been of benefit to children. Need to re-think urban policy.  The solution will come when at least part of the left acknowledges that something else needs to be tried. Hat's off to Pres Obama, who speaks of needing a father in a family.