The John Batchelor Show


Monday 7 January 2013

   Photo, above:  Chuck Hagel (left), then a Republican senator from Nebraska, visited troops in Iraq during the summer of 2008. (Image: By Joint Combat Camera Center Iraq, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons)JOHN BATCHELOR SHOW  Hour OneMonday  7 Jan 2013 / Hour 1, Block A:   Mary Kissel, Wall...

Sunday 6 January 2013

Photo, above:  The Lions of Carentan at St Martin de Varreville. Wartime history of one of the largest German paratrooper regiments, 6th Fallschirmjaeger, from its initial formation in the spring of 1943 to its last day at the end of the war.  Known as Lions of Carentan after ferocious battles in...

Saturday 5 January 2013

Photo, above:  Allied leaders, WWII, on HMS Prince of Wales for the Atlantic Charter conference, 1941. See: Hour Two, The Generals, by Thomas E. Ricks.       HMS Prince of Wales, a 35,000-ton King George V class battleship built Birkenhead, England, was completed in March 1941. In late May, while...

Friday 4 January 2013

 Image: NASA heralds hundreds of billions of planets.  Perception can require microlensing, explanation above.JOHN BATCHELOR SHOWHour OneFriday  4 Jan 2012 / Hour 1, Block A: JimMcTague, Barron’s, in re:  Jobs report: U.S. Continues to Add Jobs at Slow Pace, Report Shows   Employers added 155,000...

Thursday 3 January 2013

 Photo, above: A Bedouin guard stands outside a pumping station near Arish in northern Sinai.Smuggled Libyan weapons flood into Egypt   By Leila Fadel.   EL ARISH, Egypt — Large caches of weapons from Libya are making their way across the Egyptian border and flooding black markets in Egypt’s...

Wednesday 2 January 2013

 Photo, above: Open-pit mining at Gyama, Medrogunkar, near Lhasa in Tibet. Copper, gold, molybdenum and zinc are mined at Gyama.  Chinese use dangerous low technologies, contaminate vast subregions, and take all the money away - $570 million recently taken from a Tibetan gold mine - to Beijing (and...

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Photo, above: The tiny Tuscan island of Montecristo, whose mysterious history is filled with saints, monks and pirates, is to be opened up to the public for the first time. For almost 40 years, since it became a nature reserve, only scientists and researchers have been allowed within three miles of...

Monday 31 December 2012

 Photo, above: future technology - a concrete watch (see second two segments of fourth hour,  Darwin's Devices: What Evolving Robots Can Teach Us About the History of Life and the Future of Technology by John Long.JOHN BATCHELOR SHOW  MONDAY 905PM EDT (805P Pacific): Wonder Girl: The Magnificent...

Sunday 30 December 2012

   Above: Folk art depiction of Lady Triệu (225–248), a female warrior in Third-Century Vietnam who managed for a time successfully to resist the Chinese state of Eastern Wu during its occupation of Vietnam. She's also called Triệu Thị Trinh, although her actual given name is unknown. She is quoted...

Saturday 29 December 2012

  Text, above: Fannie Mae gathers her skirts JOHN BATCHELOR SHOW Saturday 905P Eastern Time:   The Lost Bank: The Story of Washington Mutual-The Biggest Bank Failure in American History by Kirsten Grind; 1 of 4 Saturday 920P Eastern Time:   The Lost Bank: The Story of Washington Mutual-The Biggest...
