The John Batchelor Show


Thursday 18 October 2012

  Photo, above: Rio Tinto mine in Austalia. JOHN BATCHELOR SHOW Co-hosts: Mary Kissel, Wall Street Journal editorial board Malcolm Hoenlein, Conference of Presidents Thursday 905P Eastern Time: Mona Charen, NRO, and David Drucker, Roll Call, in re: Ignore the Gender Gap - Worry not about the...

Wednesday 17 October 2012

  Photo, above:  The shooting of 14-year-old Malala Yousafzai has been denounced worldwide.  Malala Yousafzai was shot by the Taliban while on her way back from school. One bullet was lodged in her head and one near her spine, and it took a lot of effort for the doctors to save her life. After...

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Photo, above: On 28 September 2012, an Ariane 5 launcher lifted off from Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana on its mission to place two telecommunications satellites, Astra-2F and GSAT-10, into their planned geostationary transfer orbits. Liftoff of flight VA209, the 65th Ariane 5 mission, came at...

Monday 15 October 2012

Petra (Greek πέτρα [petra], meaning 'stone'; Al-Batrāʾ in Arabic) is an Arabian historical and archaeological city in the Jordanian governorate of Ma'an that is famous for its rock-cut architecture and water conduit system. Established possibly as early as 312 BC as the capital city of the...

Sunday 14 October 2011

Antique photo, above: The Mau Mau Uprising (also known as the Mau Mau Revolt, Mau Mau Rebellion and the Kenya Emergency) was a military conflict that took place in Kenya[B] between 1952 and 1960. It involved a Kikuyu-dominated anti-colonial group called Mau Mau and elements of the British Army,...

Saturday 13 October 2011

Photo, above: battle of Vicksburg JOHN BATCHELOR SHOW Saturday 905P Eastern Time:  1861: The Civil War Awakening (Vintage) by Adam Goodheart; 1 of 2 Goodheart, a historian and journalist who will be writing a column on the Civil War for the New York Times online, makes sophisticated use of a broad...

Friday 12 October 2012

Photo, above: manic laughter, compulsive interrupting, pointing a finger at Mr Ryan, at Ms Raditz, at the audience; all suggest an opera with a purpose.  The vice-president's private complaint has been that, ever since his teeth were recapped, they didn't fit correctly. "George Washington teeth,"...

Thursday 11 October 2012

  JOHN BATCHELOR SHOW Co-host: Malcolm Hoenlein, Conference of Presidents Thursday 905P Eastern Time:  Vice-presidential debate: VP Joseph Biden and Sen Paul Ryan Thursday 920P Eastern Time: Vice-presidential debate: VP Joseph Biden and Sen Paul Ryan; commentary: Larry Johnson, No Quarter Thursday...

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Photo, above: In Corvallis, Oregon, a mural depicting Chinese police beating Tibetans, and a self-immolating Tibetan monk, among many images alarming to Beijing.  The mural was mounted by the businessman David Lin and has generated controversy: as Beijing sought to efface the painting, the mayor of...

Tuesday 9 October 2012

(Photo: SpaceX confirmed in a statement this afternoon that the failed engine did not explode, but rather lost pressure and immediately shut down. "Our review indicates that the fairing that protects the engine from aerodynamic loads ruptured due to the engine pressure release, and that none of...
