The John Batchelor Show


Friday 10 April 2015

Photo, left: NYCHA - New York City Housing Authority - buidings. See Hour 1, Block C, Marian Wang, Propublica, NYC Public Housing: Fixing a Leak with a Bucket   JOHN BATCHELOR SHOW   Hour One Friday  10 April 2015 / Hour 1, Block A: Harry Siegel, New York Daily News, in re: Today's column on...

Thursday 9 April 2015

Graph, left: Grexit JOHN BATCHELOR SHOW Co-host: Mary Kissel, Wall Street Journal editorial board & host of Hour One Thursday  9 April 2015/ Hour 1, Block A: Mary Kissel, in re:  On Grexit (having  spoken to Joseph Sternberg) and Rand Paul, whom Steve Moore is advising....

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Photo, left: Russia in Space – The Past Explained, The Future Explored by Anatoly Zak; Apogee Prime; Burlington, Ontario, Canada. Get this book! This is an impressive, artfully done and seminal masterpiece. The 316-page, large format volume is a visual feast of information, written by an expert on...

Tuesday 7 April 2015

Photo, left: JOHN BATCHELOR SHOW Co-host: Larry Kudlow, CNBC senior advisor; & Cumulus Media radio Hour One Tuesday  7 April 2015  / Hour 1, Block A:  Bill Whalen, Hoover Institution, in re: . . .  Rand Paul has flip-flopped on foreign police & will be clobbered buy his competitors in the...

Monday 6 April 2015

Photo, left:  Wildly-blooming Kansas crabapple tree. Photo by Gene Countryman, consummate Kansan. JOHN BATCHELOR SHOW Co-host: Thaddeus McCotter, WJR, The Great Voice of the Great Lakes; and author, Liberty Risen. Hour One Monday  6 April 2015  / Hour 1, Block A: Devin Nunes, CA-22, in re:...

Sunday 5 April 2015

Photo, left: Bronze Age in the Caucasus - Caucasian dolmen displaying straight and precise edges and joints, and a perfectly formed circle in the centre. Approximately 3,000 of these megalithic monuments are known in the Western Caucasus, but more are constantly being found. The average weight of...

Saturday 4 April 2015

Photo, left: Conrad Black's "Flight of the Eagle."   JOHN BATCHELOR SHOW   Hour One Saturday 4 April 2015  / Hour 1, Block A: 1493: Uncovering the New World Columbus Created, by Charles C. Mann (1 of 4) Saturday 4 April 2015  / Hour 1, Block B: 1493: Uncovering the New World Columbus Created, by...

Friday 3 April 2015

left: Walter Hunt's Elements of Mind. JOHN BATCHELOR SHOW Hour One Friday  3 April 2015  / Hour 1, Block A: Jim McTague, Barron's Washington, in re: m Slowing Job Growth Tests Economy U.S. employers sharply slowed hiring in March to the weakest pace in more than a year, the latest sign the economy...

Thursday 2 April 2015

Photo, left: Près de Lausanne, au bord du Lac Léman. Le Lac Léman, appelé aussi parfois lac de Genève, est un grand lac des Alpes et une région touristique de Suisse. Le lac est à cheval sur la Suisse (cantons de Genève, de Vaud et du Valais) et la France (département de la Haute-Savoie). C'est le...

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Photo, left:  JOHN BATCHELOR SHOW Co-hosts: Gordon Chang,, and Dr. David M. Livingston, The Space Show. Hour One Wednesday  1 April 2015  / Hour 1, Block A: Rick Fisher, senior fellow on Asian Military Affairs at the International Assessment and Strategy Center, in re: . . .  China...
