The John Batchelor Show


Sunday 28 October 2012

Photo, above: The Government has already adopted a number of supporting measures for the companies engaged into the gas sector. In particular, the Directive on Basic Measures Aimed at Reinforcing Russia's Stance in the Global Energy Industry until January 1, 2016 issued by the Russian Federation...

Saturday 27 October 2011

  Picture, above: Two hundred years ago during the presidential election, the War of 1812 began. JOHN BATCHELOR SHOW Saturday 905P Eastern Time:   Ben Smith, Editor of BuzzFeed, in re: Saturday 920P Eastern Time:   Tom Jensen, Director of Public Policy Polling, in re: the latest election polling...

Friday 26 October 2012

Photo, above: Residents of Timbuktu encourage workers restoring the City of 333 Saints' Great Mosque prior to the Maouloud festival, marking the birth of the Muslim Prophet Mohammed. Reports of jihadist fighters from Sudan and Western Sahara arriving to reinforce the radical Islamist rebels...

Thursday 25 October 2012

  Photo, above: Medics carry a man wounded by a mortar shell fired from the Gaza Strip, for treatment in Soroka hospital in Beersheba, southern Israel, Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2012. Rockets and mortars from Gaza have pummeled southern Israel, drawing Israeli airstrikes that killed a Palestinian...

Wednesday 24 October 2012

    Photo, above: Iranian-owned arms factory in Khartoum is bombed, apparently by Israel Wednesday 905P Eastern Time (605P Pacific Time): Toshi Yoshihara, Naval War College, and co-author of Red Star over the Pacific: China's Rise and the Challenge to U.S. Maritime Strategy, in re: US and Japan...

Tuesday 23 October 2012

  (Photo: Islamist forces control a Malian area roughly the size of France, but the details for any military intervention have yet to be worked out.) Governor Romney at Boca Raton debate: "It’s wonderful that Libya seems to be making some progress, despite this terrible tragedy, but next door, of...

Monday 22 October 2012

Lithograph, above: William Henry Harrison, Martin Van Buren, Hugh Lawson White, and Daniel Webster as horses in the 1836 presidential election. Each is ridden by a jockey emblematic of the candidate's background, with "Old Tippecanoe" bearing a rugged frontiersman on his way to victory over Van...

Sunday 21 October 2011

  Photo, above:  North Korea at night. Regular power outages leave the entire country in the dark much of the time (except, of course, the regal compounds of the Kim family and their close minions). JOHN BATCHELOR SHOW Sunday  905PM Eastern (605P Pacific): Jeff Green, Bloomberg News, in re:  ...

Saturday 20 October 2012

(Photo: New Delhi, Nov 4 : Five years after Mumbai clamped down on bar dancers, the women still await rehabilitation and many have been forced to join the circus or become sex workers, says San Francisco-based writer Sonia Faleiro whose latest book casts a candid look at their lives now. "Unlike...

Friday 19 October 2012

Photo, above:  Fidel CASTRO is seen here talking to journalists  Hotel Theresa.Cuban President Fidel CASTRO was in New York to attend a General Assembly meeting of the United Nations. On the night of his arrival, he surprised the UN delegates by stamping in late and complaining about the treatment...
